This is one of the most engaging stories I've encountered recently about gaining followers and obtaining support and feedback on social media. As a writer who has been publishing extensively and daily for many years with little recognition, I am not used to significant success. I seldom receive substantial feedback, likes, or shares for my writings, and I have come to terms with this fact. I appreciate the feedback I do get, and I'm thankful that my writing on Medium earns back the money I invest in the MPP. My focus has shifted to the joy of writing itself, which I believe you, George, have also discovered in this post and others. It's crucial to recognize that achieving success on social media through writing and publishing is difficult. However, for me and many other daily writers, the real pleasure comes from the act of writing and the happiness derived from even the smallest feedback or success. If we ever become viral, we will then be able to relish that immense joy. With this in mind, I am deeply thankful to my followers and readers who applaud, respond, and comment on my stories!