Thank you, Leonardo, for your response. I appreciate reading your thoughts. Your response made me start thinking further on the topic, and I wrote the following, which is the first part of a new story:
Inside a tank a place on the outskirts of the city sits a Russian soldier with the power to kill. He's just a young man in a military uniform. He is so young that he has yet to experience the great love of his life. He is a soldier and has the power to perform actions that have fatal consequences for other people, people he does not know, people he has never met. He is sitting inside a tank somewhere on a field waiting for orders. The missile will soon be launched at its target. The young soldier trembles with excitement, he sits and waits for orders. He will soon once again perform the maneuvers on the control panel in the tank that are needed to send the projectile off towards someone's death.
I will publish the story with the heading How They Die. If you read it, I will appreciate your feedback.