Chris FerrieScience doesn’t care what you believe… or does it?In the quiet halls of academia — and not-so-quiet halls of social media — a war of ideas rages. On one side stands science — empirical…Aug 31, 202496Aug 31, 202496
InDataDrivenInvestorbyØivind H. Solheim - Should Be Optimistic About the FutureI recently published a text on Medium about the future, about how we humans in 2022 can look towards the future for humans on earth. A…Nov 28, 20221Nov 28, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyØivind H. Solheim - You Think Future Looks Bleak?1. You don’t have to see it that way. Let’s look at some facts.Dec 4, 20221Dec 4, 20221
InBlue InsightsbyØivind H. Solheim -, Homo Sapiens, Lives on Earth2. We may see ourselves in an infinite perspective.Dec 4, 20221Dec 4, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyØivind H. Solheim - Feel Comfortably Numb — What We Can Do About It4. Those who cultivate dystopia and paint the situation black without coming up with proposals for positive solutions are failing the…Dec 8, 20222Dec 8, 20222
InILLUMINATIONbyØivind H. Solheim - We Base What We Do on Empathy?3. The surest prediction about the future of humans is that anything can happenDec 7, 2022Dec 7, 2022
InHiking in Nature. På tur i naturenbyØivind H. Solheim - bør tenka positivt om framtidaEg publiserte nyleg ein tekst på Medium om framtida, om korleis vi menneske i 2022 kan sjå mot framtida for menneska på jorda. Ein lesar…Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022