It has always been the case that we believe famous people, those who hold high positions in society and are role models, possess a certain type of wisdom that we need. But it might not always be the case. I am convinced that there is an infinite amount of wisdom among people who are not famous, who are not celebrities, or otherwise distinguished. They have just lived ordinary lives. What is exciting, and perhaps also challenging, is to credit life down to these people for what they are worth. For example, we all live a life, and we are equal because we live as long as we live, and then we die. But during that time, we experience many things, and we have insights, knowledge, and understanding that we try to convey to those who dominate us. Think about how much wisdom, insight, and knowledge the world misses out on because people do not get to pass on these insights. Yes, George, this was just a small contribution to a very large discussion, a very large conversation about how we take care of people and humanity. Well written, my friend!