I loved reading this!
There are people around us who do not care. And then there are people who care very much, people who are very conscientious and who use an enormous amount of energy to take care of the things they feel they have to take care of, either at work or in private life - or both!
I did not think in advance that I would score high on the 18 points myself, and that was true. I answered yes to 6. But I see people around me who make a fantastic effort, and who almost wear themselves out because they only to a small extent set limits to how much they demand of themselves.
To tell you how much I loved this, I took it and translated the list into my native language, and I wrote a story for some of the people near me who look a little like sensitive strivers: https://medium.com/innsikt/ein-f%C3%B8lsom-arbeidshest-21c2e9f1ecdf
I will also publish an English version of this story, and I will wait a little to let Better Humans the time to tell me if they want to publish it.