Dear Meg, thank you for your response. You’re right, this is terrifying. I am deeply concerned. I am a family father, I have daughters and a son, I have grand-children, and I was used to thinking that they — together with millions of others of their generations, shall live their lives in safety and with confidence.
I think that I need some time to become fully aware of the situation, including the facts and also very important — how can we act in order to stop and reverse this threatening development?
The worst thing that can happen is that we — mankind — stop and think that it is like this and there’s nothing we can do about it.
I want to find out
— exactly what is the situation?
— exactly what are the reasons why the sperm quality in humans and in other species decline?
— what causes this dangerous development?
— what can we as directly concerned humans do in this situation?
— what can science do?
— what solutions can we find, and what can politicians and leaders word-wide do to stop this and save the future of humanity?
I think that this is an issue that women and men are obviously afraid to talk about openly — just because it’s so scaring, so overwhelmingly bad news!
But we have to address it, we have to talk openly about it!