
William, serving as the first-person narrator in the story of "The Man Who Refused to Pass Away," reflects on his life at the age of 90. Having experienced three marriages—a challenging one and two partnerships with women from whom he learned much about life and himself—he revisits these significant relationships.

This novel, styled as a modern romance, narrates the intricacies of life and relationships between men and women from the perspective of an old man who spent 70 years with a woman he loved. She was not the same throughout, as pivotal life changes meant he could no longer have the woman he loved by his side.

In the narrative, he recounts his life with the three different women and the events that unfolded in such a way that life's occurrences demand a complete reorientation. "The Man Who Refused to Pass Away" is not merely a chronicle of William's longevity but a deeper exploration of how life's twists and turns necessitate adaptation and reevaluation of one's understanding and approach to love, loss, and personal growth.

Given William's reflective journey and the profound experiences that shape his narrative, the possibility of him living to 100 or even 110 is intriguing.

While the novel does not explicitly address his longevity beyond his current age of 90, the focus on his rich emotional and psychological life suggests that his story is more about the quality and depth of life lived than the sheer number of years.

Nonetheless, William's narrative leaves open the possibility of further reflection and growth, should his life extend to these remarkable milestones.

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In "The Man Who Refused to Pass Away", William narrates his life story from the age of 90. He looks back on his three marriages and how they shaped his understanding of life and himself. He had a difficult first marriage and two loving partnerships with women who taught him a lot.

The novel, a modern romance, explores the complexities of love and relationships from the perspective of an old man who spent 70 years with his true love. However, she changed over time and he had to cope with losing her in different ways.

He shares his memories of the three women and how he adjusted to the unexpected changes that life brought him. "The Man Who Refused to Pass Away" is not just a tale of William's long life, but a deeper examination of how he learned to adapt and grow from his experiences of love, loss, and change.

Although the novel does not reveal if he will live beyond 90, it shows that his life was rich and meaningful in its emotional and psychological aspects. The novel also implies that William may have more opportunities for reflection and growth, if he reaches 100 or even 110 years old.

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Øivind H. Solheim

Øivind H. Solheim

Book Author

Friend of Medium

I was an educator, now I write in English and in Norwegian. I have published 6 novels and a poetry book. @oivind47 · oivind47.medium.com, oeivind.substack.com/